According to the EPA, we spend about 90% of our time indoors. With industrial buildings containing significant amounts of air contamination sources and inadequate air ventilation systems, exposure to air pollution becomes problematic for many workers and decreases productivity and work quality. Regular exposure to poor indoor air quality can cause many health effects, from mildly irritating to extremely serious.

Prism offers many options for investigating employee and/or occupant complaints, odor concerns, and determining general indoor air quality with full spectrum Volatile Organic Compound analysis. Let us help you develop your IAQ policy from start to finish.
VOCs are omnipresent in indoor air. Most noticeable when there is an odor or a health issue, VOCs are a part of everyday life and can have unexpected effects on us.
Smells can have a big effect on us, ranging from a pleasant odor that gives us a good feeling to something irritating or causing physical illness. We all experience and react to odors in different ways, making source identification challenging.
Most VOCs are emitted from the various materials in our environment, off gas analyses can help determine the source of VOC issues.
Prism has a complete suite of services centered on equipping our customers to fully utilize the power of their FTIR spectrometer and making sure it stays running for years to come; including application consultation, user training, FTIR rental, custom calibrations/recipes, field service, and data validation.
This information is geared toward the production or manufacturing operations, click here for testing options for office and commercial portions of these buildings.
Thermal Desorption Tubes (TDTs) offer the benefits of a long shelf life for quick sampling, simple storage at room temperature, and are reusable following laboratory recertification.
Material Off Gas/Bulk Sampling is available for specific product analysis. Learn More >
Tedlar Bag sampling can be used based on analytes needed. Prism offer tedlar bags in 1, 3, & 5 liter sizes.
Test Options
We offer many different analysis options to cater to your specific needs. Contact us to discuss your IAQ concerns to determine which analysis is best for your company.
IAQ Survey Analysis View Sample Report >